Mine and prospect-related symbols, such as those used to represent prospect pits, mines, adits, dumps, tailings, etc. Geological Survey (USGS) project to develop an updated geospatial database of mines, mineral deposits, and mineral regions in the United States. Coordinates-Displays coordinates for the cursor. Version 6.0 of these data are part of a larger U.S.My Location-Centers the Advanced Viewer on current physical location.Select-Enables interactive selection of features on the map and take the actions on the selected features.Draw-Draws basic graphics and text on the map. Geological Survey) National Geologic Map Database.
Spot Elevation-Returns an elevation in international feet or meters for a specific latitude/longitude (NAD 1983) point from the USGS 3DEP 1/3 arc-second layer. Map science for a changing world Link to Data Download Link to Help Cem 4740 Mobite Queek eor 4911 -119.731 39101 U.S.Elevation Profile-Display the elevation profile for a selected feature or a measured line along with a web map.Measurement-Measure the area of a polygon, length of a line, or find the coordinates of a point.This map is provided as a general purpose map in GeoPDF for users who are not GIS experts. Geological Survey (USGS) since the inception of the topographic mapping program in 1884. Query-Query information from operational layers by executing a predefined query. The USGS Historical Quadrangle Scanning Project (HQSP) is scanning all scales and all editions of topographic maps published by the U.S.Then click 'Hide Data' this turns off all the other layers. Scroll back to the top of the list and click Done. Find the layer 'USGS Topos Current' and click on the + sign to select it. Share-Share the app via social media, email, or embedded link. To start generating your USGS topo map, follow these steps: Click on 'Imagery' at the top right.Add Data-Search for layers or enter URLs to add data on the map.Legend-Displays a legend for the visible layers in the map.Layer List-Displays a list of operational layers in the app.Integrate and distribute data from a vast range of third-party sources. Base Map Gallery-Select a base map from a presented gallery. Customize your map to include digital elevation data, street names, property lines and other information layers.